Chicken & Corn Tacos with Homemade Taco Seasoning


Chicken, Corn & Cherry Tomato Tacos  |  Homemade Taco Seasoning

Intro Collage

My family really likes tacos.  Dare I say…”loves” tacos.  What’s not to like?  Little envelopes stuffed with all sorts of good things…steak, chicken, pork, grilled veggies and, let’s not forget, eggs.  In our house, the breakfast taco…scrambled eggs paired with any leftover vegetable from the evening prior’s dinner…has become a favorite rivaling the omelet.  But, whether you are enjoying these hand-held little feasts in the morning or at the dinner hour {or anytime in between} the seasoning has got to be just right.  After all, there is no where for those ingredients to hide in their little packages…no starting with the salad and then moving on to the protein followed by the starch.  It’s all there…piled on top off one another and wrapped up or tucked in to one great big taste sensation.  And, in my opinion, the right seasoning is what brings the taco fillings together without becoming the lead character.  So, while we did, in fact, enjoy tacos for dinner this evening this post is really about the  taco seasoning.


I regularly follow the popular food blog, Joy the Baker.  The blogger, Joy {of course}, has a great sense of humor, and the personality that shines through her writing is a bit quirky, no frills and totally fun.  The kind of person, I imagine, who would be so much fun to sit with at some beach-side bar and babble on about random things all while sharing some brightly-colored cocktail…possibly purple.  Now that you have been introduced to Joy you should pay her a visit…I think you might enJoy her company.  In any event she is the creator of this taco seasoning.  This combination of pantry spices that, when swirled together, accomplishes what no packaged mix could ever dream.


Savory with enough kick to let you know that you are, after all, eating a taco {not refried beans on white bread} but not too spicy so as to overpower the fillings themselves…in our case this evening the sweet corn and tomatoes.

Corn Tomatoes Collage

In her post, Joy uses this seasoning to prepare Charred Corn Tacos with cherry tomatoes and scallions.  Now, I have been going on for days {ad nauseam} about my garden tomatoes and sweet corn is everywhere so her taco recipe was a good fit for me.  I also added some shredded chicken breast left over from last night’s dinner and a big squeeze of lime juice to finish.


By the time we had finished dinner, the children and I were talking about what else we could use this seasoning on…pork, steaks, fish…SHRIMP!  Click here to get the recipes for both the seasoning as well as the tacos {which I followed exactly, making only those additions noted above} and while you are there, take a moment and poke around Joy’s blog…it really is fun.

K Initial

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