Chicken Breasts with Fresh Sage | Lemon Risotto | Peas | Tartine’s Lemon Cream
Everyday, on this little space known as “The Dinner Concierge“, amazes me…
On September 26th, 2012 I began this project…chronicling what my family eats each evening…attempting to inspire those of you who need to answer the question, “What’s for Dinner“…every day! But I also hoped to inspire a love for this special time of day…the dinner hour. It is such a precious time for a family {whether “family” consists of one, two, six…ten members}. We all race at warp speed each and every day…we need a time to come together {or be alone} to nourish our souls as well as our appetites. Don’t get me wrong…the occasional dinner out is quite enjoyable…but, dinner-in is more than a meal ~ it is a life-style!
Each week, I post my family meal plan and follow through with a daily dinner post each evening… yes, I am cooking each and every one of those meals! These are more than just recipes I find interesting {or that will stir up the most pins on Pinterest} but rather, these are the meals we will be eating, as a family, for the next six days. These menus are crafted around our busy, family-of-five, schedule so I make use of left-overs, slow-cookers, make-ahead recipes, etc. But I also don’t want eating-in to be boring! The same salad, repeated ad nauseam each week, to satisfy the greens requirement. I do my research in order to keep it fresh and exciting for my family & maybe yours.
I am not culinary trained…far from it {I went to law school}! I love cooking but, I am neurotically afraid of baking {yes, dough scares me}…but I still give baking a try, every once-in-a-while. If I can prepare the recipes I post…SO CAN YOU! I am not an expert…I just find the best recipes for my family and follow them, occasionally tweaking this & that.
So…I digress…
I received an email this morning from a follower of this blog in Quebec, Canada {close to my heart as my Great-Grandparents were born & raised in St. Pacome}! Genevieve B. wrote:
Kristin…just wanted to let you know how much I have come to love your blog. We are a young family of four and cannot afford to eat out often. My husband and I don’t want to eat the same few dinners over and over again at home & we want our children to grow up with a wide range of tastes. I also don’t have all-day to spend in the kitchen. I find your blog to be real! Not too “green” or vegetarian {we like our meat and potatoes, especially during the winter}. You stand out from so many other blogs that post “weekly menus” and then post once during the week. I check in with you every night & I know that you have cooked dinner…just like me!
Just so you know, Genevieve…you have made my day, week & year! And yes, I am right there with you cooking dinner…six days a week. I giggle as I write that last phrase…I have had SO MANY emails asking me what I do on Saturday nights. Hmmm…maybe a future column/regular weekly post?
After all of that…this evening’s dinner ~
I began with the Lemon Cream {click here to view the recipe at}, the recipe is easy! From start to finish, takes about 25 minutes {no tricks here…just stir constantly}. Served it to the girls tonight with a buttery, shortbread cookie for dessert:
Next, make the Lemon Risotto {Click here to view the recipe at}. Same trick here, as above…stir the risotto, constantly, until creamy:
Finally…Chicken Breasts with Fresh Sage & the finished dinner plate…{Click here to view the recipe at}: